Tools of Bodhi

Hand Work
Handwork includes yarn or thread work, clay modelling and woodwork. It involves learning through doing (skill building) and making (life skill development). These are the fundamental cornerstones to education as they work towards harmonizing the child's thought, feeling and willing.

Form Drawing
Bodhi works with one of the most important tools of Waldorf education which is Form drawing. It develops and strengthens the sense of sight and movement. It enriches the child's spatial intelligence and helps as a pre skill to read and write.

It emphasizes on outer as well as inner movements of the child. Outer movement revolves around orientation, planning and intuitive foresight. Inner movement for the child is being able to flow spontaneously from thought to action and vice versa.

Story Telling
Storytelling is an extremely important medium of delivering any concept in any subject in a Waldorf education philosophy. It helps the child to create mental images and pictures leading to enriched imagination and conceptualisation. It also helps the child to relate to his environment in more ways than one. It encourages collaborative learning.

It is the language of the soul. It communicates with the inner self of the child. It sharpens the child's listening skills and enhances the sense of hearing.

Block Play
Blocks of wood, unfinished and plain, are made available to children during free play. The world of imagination is left open, inviting them in. The use of natural material like wood and the freedom for a block of wood to become a person, place, animal or thing is essential to learning. This taps into so many areas of development like observation, ideation, planning and most importantly resourcefulness.